Source: WWF
The basic functions for which the frames are used are sound insulation, protection from external weather conditions and our protection from external dangers.
In order to produce a frame of any material, some energy is consumed and therefore the environment is burdened (environmental footprint).
WWF’s International Environment Protection Agency (WWF), in a published report (WWF: Window of opportunity), mentions wooden frames as the most environmentally friendly in relation to frames of other materials.
The study highlights the need for 8 times more energy to produce PVC windows than will be required to produce a wooden window.
As far as the energy consumption required for the production of aluminum is still higher than PVC, large amounts of electricity are required to electrolyse the element from its raw materials.
Here is a typical example, the US Department of Energy, regarding the energy consumption required for aluminum production, emphasizes that the aluminum industry is the largest consumer of electricity per unit product weight and more generally the most energy-intensive of all industries!
Numbers are the most irrefutable witnesses: The American aluminum industry consumes energy that would be enough to meet the energy needs of more than 7 million households per year!